Stride Blog

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Stride wins San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's Bike-Friendly Business Award!

No one likes a bragger, but we had to share this company milestone that we’re extremely proud of. Since the inception of Stride, biking to work has been an integral part of our culture, and today we won the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition annual Bike-Friendly Business Award!

Here are a few things we prioritize as a company, which helped us take home this honor:

  • Over 65% of the team bikes to work (90% bike, walk, or take public transportation).
  • When we moved to our new office, we prioritized space for bike parking, so that all members of the team have a safe, dry place to keep their bike throughout the day.
  • We have Thursday morning "Stride Rides" where we meet as a team before work to ride Hawk Hill. All levels welcome!
  • We encourage new employees to bike to work by helping them buy a bike and sending a buddy to commute with them the first few times.
  • We participate in Stride-sponsored charity rides. For example, Bike MS, where members of our team raised more than $1500 and did a 120-mile ride over a weekend
  • Our founders are both avid cyclists and inspirations, riding their bikes to the office daily. Our CEO bikes to his different business meetings throughout the city.

Thanks for allowing us to toot our horns for a second. And keep an eye out of us on the road… we’ll have a little extra power in our pedaling today