The Affordable Care Act and Birth Control Coverage

Under the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. “Obamacare”), nearly all health insurance plans are legally required to cover certain forms of birth control. Typically, plans give you access to free contraceptives, even before you hit your deductible. Marketplace plans must cover contraceptive methods and counseling for all women when prescribed by a health care provider. Here’s what you need to know about your options and any exceptions to the law that might result in a lack of coverage for some people.

What’s Free and What Isn’t?

There are 18 FDA-approved categories of birth control, but your plan may not cover them all. Instead, the ACA mandates that insurers cover at least one method from each of the following:

  • Barrier methods, like diaphragms, sponges, female condoms, and spermicides

  • Hormonal methods, like birth control pills, vaginal rings, shots, and patches

  • Implanted devices, like intrauterine devices (IUDs)

  • Emergency contraception, like Plan B

  • Sterilization procedures and implants

  • Patient education and counseling

Keep in mind: your insurance doesn’t have to cover every contraceptive. For example, insurers typically choose to pay for a generic birth control pill, but if you like to use a brand-name pill, you’ll likely have to pay either a co-pay or full price for it. If there is no generic version of a birth control method, the brand will be covered (e.g. Nuvaring).

Also, insurers are not required to cover abortion-related drugs or male forms of birth control, like male condoms and vasectomies, but some plans might.

If your plan doesn’t cover the birth control options you want, consider switching to one that does now. Get started by entering your zip code below.

What If I Have Insurance Through a Religious Institution?

Certain churches and other religious employers are not required to cover contraceptives. If you work for one of these employers, you may have to pay for your birth control out-of-pocket.

Other non-profit religious organizations, like certain hospitals and universities, also do not have to pay for contraceptive coverage. However, if your health plan is sponsored by one of these organizations, a third party will arrange for you to still get fully-covered birth control.

Where Else Can I Get Free Birth Control?

If your employer doesn’t cover birth control because of religious objections, or if you don’t have insurance, you may still be able to find free or low-cost contraceptives. This tool helps you locate nearby community centers that can connect you with programs and organizations (like Planned Parenthood) that offer affordable birth control options.

If you want a 2024 health plan that better covers the birth control options you want, enter your zip code below to start comparing plans and get personalized plan recommendations that take your prescription into account.


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