13 Worst Case Scenarios of Having No Health Insurance

In most states, you will no longer be fined for going uninsured… but that doesn’t mean you should skip out on getting a health plan. Health care is the number one cause of bankruptcy in the U.S, and buying health insurance is a smart way to protect against expensive medical bills in the event of an emergency.

Don’t believe us? Here’s what 13 common scenarios look like with and without health insurance.

A Quick Disclaimer

How much you’ll pay for medical services depends on your specific health plan. That’s because every plan has different details, like how high the deductible is, or whether or not you have to pay coinsurance. Additionally, every insurer makes its own arrangements with different healthcare providers, so what you pay often depends on where (and with whom) you get your care.

How Expensive Does Health Care Get Without Insurance?

For our cost comparisons, let’s pretend we’re a female in her mid-twenties living in California making about $35,000 per year. We’ve selected the Western Health Advantage Silver 70 HMO plan. Since it’s in the silver metal tier, this plan is a good example of a mid-priced option with a relatively low deductible ($2,500).

Here’s how much several health care scenarios cost with and without this health plan.

See How Much These Scenarios Cost With Your Plan

On Stride, we have a nifty cost estimator tool baked into our plan search tool that shows you how much each health plan will save you on these same medical scenarios. Luckily, 2024 plans are now available for enrollment. Get personalized plan recommendations in around 10 minutes by entering your zip code below.

Still have questions or need help picking a plan? Get help from our FAQs or talk to a specialist.


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