Multiple Gigs Help This Freelancer Make Ends Meet—And Put Her Family First

This post is part of a series focused on the unique stories of independent workers. We spoke with Stride member Kadie Kirby to learn more about her experience as a cosmetologist and part-time delivery driver.

Hi, Kadie! Could you start off by telling us about yourself? 

I live in Rockford, Illinois and I’ve been a cosmetologist for 11 years. I love hair and helping people feel good about themselves. There is nothing better than finishing up a service and seeing someone light up inside. When you look good, you feel good and I am grateful for the opportunity to do that for my clients. 

My favorite part about being self employed is being able to do what I love! Some mornings, it’s hard to get up and go to work, which I still have on occasion, but the best part is once I get there, it all melts away.

Were there any unique challenges you faced as an independent worker? If so, how did you handle them?

I did have some challenges. I hired a CPA to help me with my taxes. However, I still needed some help understanding how to file taxes as an independent worker. Stride offered a free seminar that went over everything and helped answer the questions I had.

Were there any particular skills you feel helped you become successful as an independent worker?

Definitely! I worked at a franchise salon for almost 8 years and there is a way better advantage working for myself. My schedule especially is all under my control now. My time is incredibly valuable and quarantine showed me that, so now I am fully in charge of my time and love being with my family more.

What inspired the change from working at the franchise salon to becoming a freelance cosmetologist? 

For a long time, I was afraid to take the leap—bookkeeping was an especially scary thought. Working in the franchise setting taught me all of the ins and outs of cost of goods and working professionally, but the idea of tackling these things myself made me anxious. With technology advances over the years, I realized the things that I feared were no longer scary or difficult. Freedom definitely inspired the change and allowed me to be in control of my schedule, finances, and business decisions.

How did you hear about Stride?

My husband, Shaun, introduced me to the Stride app when he entered the freelancing field before me. In addition to helping me with my cosmetology work, Stride also helps me with my part-time delivery work, so I’m able to keep track of my mileage! 

What type of part-time delivery work do you do?

I go back and forth between DoorDash and UberEATS. I got into it last year during the holiday to help pay for Christmas gifts. This summer, I worked to pay for my Invisalign treatment. Currently, they’re both a perfect option to supplement for those days when “life happens.” When people have to reschedule or cancel appointments at the last minute, it’s awesome to know I can hop in my car and work a couple hours to make up for it. There’s been times I worked just to fund a lunch and shopping date with my daughter.

What’s it like being a two-freelance-income household?

We do our best to budget the household. Being in control of when we work has helped us be there for our children. Our son is 15 and our daughter is 12, and no longer having to worry about getting permission or finding someone to cover us on days off is an amazing feeling. 

What advice would you give to other independent workers?

Keep track of your expenses as you get them. The Stride app helps and I really do recommend it to other business owners. I don't stress about making my quarterly tax payments because I set it all aside each week with the help of the app.

Thanks for sharing your story with the Stride community, Kadie! You can learn more about Kadie and her work on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.


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