California Rideshare and Delivery Drivers: Get Up to $528/Month for Health Insurance
If you’re a rideshare or delivery driver in California, you can get up to $490/month for health insurance as part of Prop 22 legislation. Here's how it works.
Top 7 Mistakes That Rideshare Drivers Make at Tax Time
Tax time doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some of the common mistakes that rideshare and delivery drivers make at tax time, plus how to avoid them.
How to Import Past Mileage Into the Stride App
Tracking your rideshare mileage can help you save on taxes. Haven't been logging your miles? Here's how to import them into the Stride app after the fact.
Uber 1099 Frequently Asked Questions
Filing your taxes can be confusing when you’re an independent contractor. If you drive for Uber, here are your most common 1099 tax form questions, answered.
9 Tax Deductions for Rideshare Drivers
Rideshare drivers, want to save money on your tax bill? Here are 9 common tax deductions that can help you save, including how to write off mileage and more.
Where Can I Find My Uber 1099 Form?
If you're a self-employed worker with Uber, you'll file your taxes using your 1099 form. Here's where to find it so you're ready to go when tax season arrives.
What To Do If You Didn't Use A Mileage Log for Taxes
People who work for themselves don’t always get the heads up that their mileage is deductible, so they don’t keep a mileage log for their business. Read on to find out how to estimate your mileage to make sure you still get the best deduction.
How To File Taxes Using Your Uber 1099-NEC and 1099-K
As an Uber driver and independent contractor, you’ll get a 1099-K or 1099-NEC form instead of a W-2 at tax time. Here's how to access and use these forms to file your taxes correctly.