How To Prepare for Upcoming Medicaid Changes
It’s possible that you could lose Medicaid coverage later this year, because states are in the process of reassessing people’s eligibility for the program. But don’t worry — here’s a guide to help you prepare for this potential change, plus advice for how to find an affordable new health plan so there’s no gap in your coverage if you lose Medicaid.
Why Short Term Health Insurance Isn't The Best Option If You Lost Medicaid Coverage
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “Medicaid redetermination” often recently. This is the process by which your state checks whether or not you still qualify for Medicaid coverage. And if they decide you’re no longer eligible, you’ll lose that coverage.
Special Enrollment Period For Those Affected By Medicaid Unwinding: Is Losing Medicaid A Qualifying Event?
The potential of losing Medicaid can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry — even if you lose your coverage, you have options. One of those options is a special enrollment period, which gives you the opportunity to enroll in a new health insurance plan in time for your loss of Medicaid coverage.
What Is Medicaid Redetermination? A Complete Guide
The Medicaid redetermination process is under way, which means your state is going to check to see if you’re still eligible for the program. If you’re no longer eligible, you’ll lose your coverage later this year. Stride can help you navigate the process and enroll in affordable new coverage.
One Company’s Trick to Getting 95,000 Hours Back? Canceling Meetings
With unnecessary work meetings abound, Stride has a solution. See why Stride was featured in the Wall Street Journal for our alternative to excessive meetings.
Benefits of Using a Tax Filing Service
Considering filing your self-employed taxes online? Here are the benefits of doing your own taxes and how an online filing program can simplify the process.
Top 8 Tax Deductions for Delivery Drivers
If you drive delivery or rideshare, you’ve got business expenses that you can deduct from your income. Here are tax deductions for courier drivers to note.
5 Reasons to File Your Taxes On Time
The deadline to file your taxes is April 18. Don't miss it —filing on time is the best way to save money. Here's what can happen if you don't make the deadline.