New Alex Honnold Short Film – At Home Off The Wall
What's important to Alex Honnold besides dangling from cliffs? In our latest short film, shot at his home in Sacramento, Alex gives us a completely new perspective on his life
Stride Stories: I fell off a cliff (and survived)
Our lives are full of transformative moments, and April 26, 2012 was one of them. It was the day I took a ground fall that shattered my back, pelvis, arm and both ankles, and changed my life forever. This is my story.
The real reason on-demand startups are reclassifying workers
In this piece, we consider why many venture-backed growth-stage companies are making the shift to an employee-based workforce, away from hiring 1099 contractors.
Stride Stories: I guess I'm vain
How much do you care about your looks? Turns out there's only one way to find out... have them taken away.
How to afford health insurance with irregular income
Have super irregular freelancer income and can't stomach the idea of buying health insurance? Don't fret. This guide will help you understand exactly how to make it work.
Stride Stories: A primary calling for Lisa Skye Hain
In 2004, Lisa Skye Hain endured a family tragedy that pushed her to follow her heart and step into the freelance world. Eleven-years-later her natural born networking skills have given her a Primary life focus.
Hand-crafted health coverage for Etsy Sellers
As marketplaces like Etsy continue to thrive, so does the need for protecting the individuals fueling these platforms. We’re proud to fill that need, and excited to do it alongside a partner like Etsy.
Stride Health's Coverage Recommendation Engine Accessible to Uber Driver-Partners Nationwide
Stride Health announces that its health coverage recommendation engine will be accessible directly through the Uber Partner App for driver-partners nationwide!